
Do Singaporeans have a social conscience?

By Lam Pin Foo

  After having read the Senior Ministers memoirs, From Third World To First, many thoughts came surging into my mind. As a Singaporean and having lived through the earlier traumatic times, our present enviable economic success and high standards of living, all achieved within one generation, fill me with pride and gratitude.

  In my frequent travels overseas, the Singaporean identity instantly commands respect, admiration and sometimes even awe from non Singaporeans.

  They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government, a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others.

  On the debit side, our detractors view us increasingly as a victim of our own success. They have branded us "ugly Singaporeans". Some of our neighbours quite justifiably find us overbearing, boastful and condescending towards them. Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces. Hopefully, this is a transitional phase.

  In a nutshell, there is consensus that our economic progress is not matched by a corresponding enhancement in our social behaviour.

  To be objective, it is unrealistic to expect that Singapore can blossom into a cultured nation within a mere generation. Even leading immigrant societies with superior resources, like the United States, Canada and Australia, took many generations to reach their present level of sophistication and maturity.

  Nevertheless, I find it gratifying that the Singaporean character has undergone a tremendously positive transformation compared with just two decades ago. we are now more courteous, more compassionate and more civic minded than ever before. What have brought this about?

  The ongoing courtesy and kindness campaigns, the revamp of our education system and the beneficial impact of the mass media have certainly helped. But more importantly, as an increasing number of Singaporeans nowadays travel abroad regularly, they can see for themselves how much more pleasant and civilised life can be in a more cultivated community.

  The obvious role models for us to emulate are Japan, New Zealand, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, where courtesy and mutual respect for each other is truly a way of life.

  Lamentably, two Singaporean traits still stand out like a sore thumb and should be regarded with growing concern by all right-thinking people here: they are our utter selfishness and inconsideration towards others. This is clearly manifested in the irresponsible way many of us drive and park our vehicles, the indiscriminate use of hand phones and other electronic devices, unpunctual for business and private appointments, jumping queues with no guilt feelings, chattering in cinemas, public lectures and libraries, using force on others with the slightest pretext, to name just a few of our more glaring failings.

  One astute foreigner has observed that there are two sides to our nature: a highly-developed family conscience contrasted with an under-developed social conscience. To our close relatives, kiths and kins and friends, we are caring, kind, helpful, indulgent and generous. To the public at large, we tend to behave quite differently believing that, as they are strangers to us, we have no social obligations to be civil to them.

  It is this aspect of our psyche, which unfortunately is quite widespread, that makes us appear coarse to those coming from a more genteel community.

  I must confess that I do not know where the real solution lies, or whether these unedifying character traits, if left uncorrected and in the absence of a strong peer pressure for change, will become too deeply-entrenched to get rid of later.

  However, one thing is certain. Parents together with our educational authorities have a pivotal role to play in helping to mould and shape the character of our young in their formative years. Lets hope that the next generation of Singaporeans will usher in a society more gracious and considerate than the present one.(The writer is a retired lawyer)


● 蓝秉湖
























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